Will Transport
Frequently asked questions

Transporting Dangerous Goods Safely!

Safety precautions
What precautions must be taken to ensure the safe transport of your hazardous goods?

Maximum safety for the transport of hazardous goods is a top priority at Will Transport. At no time will the fast transport in proven and known quality be impaired thereby.
The necessary arrangements, extensive, we have made in the last year.
Will Transport has fully prepared for the transport of hazardous goods!

Completely trained "commissioned persons" are available as competent hazardous goods/contact persons.

Our Transport vehicles carrying dangerous goods are prepared to the necessary equipment and signposting!

As part of the order taking the active query of the required dangerous goods data ensures that transport and accompanying documents have the legally required content. In this process, the recorded data are compared and checked with current substance data of the ADR (European Agreement for the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

Care and safety in hazardous goods

Will Transport accepts only dangerous goods dispatches, which have the law-packed packaging in perfect condition and are markedly marked and labeled.

Careful attention of prohibition of mixed loading in accordance with ADR

Safe transport
What does Will Transport require from you as the customer of dangerous goods for legal and safe transport?

Conclusion of a written transport contract.

Complete sender / recipient information.

Full classification data

Number and description of the packages.

Quantities of the types each UN number.

Declarations according to special agreements or individual derogations.

In empties transport category of the most recently transported material.

Note: Dangerous goods orders!

The telephone Avis (Logistics) is imperative. Please enquire about the transport restrictions in each individual case, also for dangerous goods orders. Phone: +49 511 48 47 73